Kennels & Animal Daycares

A business licence for the Home Occupation is required for both a “Kennel” and a “Hobby Kennel”.  

A business licence is also required for any  “Animal Daycare” – refer to Section 107 (Home Occupations) in the Zoning Bylaw 5949-2020. An inspection by the Business Licence Division will occur following application. 

Once the business licence has been issued, a copy is forwarded to the Fraser Valley Regional District’s Animal Control for their records.

Within the Kennel Bylaw 6198-2023

  • “Kennel” means a facility or property where four or more dogs are kept for show training purposes,
    boarded, or bred for remuneration or for the purposes of sale, provided the number of dogs does not
    exceed fifty (50) dogs per lot;
  • “Hobby kennel” means a facility or property where between four (4) and eight (8) dogs, all of which
    are kept for breeding or boarding or show or training purposes and where the operator of the hobby
    kennel must reside on the lot/property on which the hobby kennel is located.